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ISH Monthly Masterclass : An Applied Approach to Integrating Polyvagal-informed Therapy and EMDR: A practical guide to enhance the therapeutic efficiency

16 Apr 2025 (All Day)

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An Applied Approach to Integrating Polyvagal-informed Therapy and EMDR:
A practical guide to enhance the therapeutic efficiency

By Enayat Shahidi, MD, PhD

Wednesday, April 16, 2025

17:00 - 20:00 CEST


Since memories are not just thought but also felt, maladaptive memory networks activate autonomic defenses (e.g., fight, flight, freeze, collapse), too. When a memory is recalled in the mind, it is experienced in a state-specific form through the autonomic nervous system.
We cannot treat only the autonomic nervous system or only the memories. We must work with both to support clients in achieving their health and healing goals.
EMDR focuses on memory storage, and polyvagal-informed therapy focuses on the autonomic nervous system. Combining the Polyvagal Theory with EMDR means the therapist focuses on both parts of the nervous system and integrates the approaches to help the whole system heal.
In this workshop, Dr. Shahidi first discusses how the Polyvagal theory and AIP (Adaptive Information Processing) complement each other. Then, he introduces practical techniques to integrate the approaches, covering their pitfalls and augmenting their efficiency.

Learning objectives
At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:
1. Explain how the Polyvagal Theory and the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) model of EMDR complement each other.
2. Discuss potential pitfalls and strategies for augmenting the efficiency of combining Polyvagal-informed Therapy and EMDR in clinical practice.
3. Identify and implement practical techniques for integrating polyvagal-informed interventions with EMDR therapy to address both autonomic nervous system responses and maladaptive memory networks.

Dana, D. (2020). Polyvagal exercises for safety and connection: 50+ practices for calming anxiety and trauma. W. W. Norton & Company.
Dana, D. (2023). Polyvagal practices: Anchoring the self in safety. W. W. Norton & Company.
Kase, R. (2023). Polyvagal-informed EMDR: A neuro-informed approach to healing. W. W. Norton & Company.
Porges, S. W. (2023). Our polyvagal world: How the science of feeling safe transforms our trauma treatment, social engagement, and understanding of self. W. W. Norton & Company.

Short CV
Enayat Shahidi, MD, PhD, is a clinical psychologist, licensed psychotherapist, and medical doctor specialized in cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. Dr. Shahidi is also a renowned author, translator, lecturer, researcher, and therapist in hypnotherapy, mental training, EMDR, and CBT.
He has been practicing hypnotherapy since 1994 and teaching clinical hypnosis to professionals since 2001. He has also been a faculty member of the most essential international hypnosis congresses worldwide since 2012.

He has written, translated, and contributed to twelve books and conducted several research articles, university theses, and dissertations.
He has been a board member of the International Society of Hypnosis (ISH) since 2015. Since 2018, he has served in various capacities, including Secretary/Treasurer, Chair of the Education and Training Committee, and Chair of the Finance Committee of the ISH.
Since 2012, he has been a co-organizer and member of scientific committees of six successful international congresses on hypnosis, neurosciences, and mental training, including the First and Second Asian Hypnosis Congresses in 2019 and 2025.

Dr. Shahidi is the founding president of the following institutes/societies:
- The Iranian Institute of Psychology and Mental Training
- Doctor Health Company, Italy
- Ego-State Therapy Iran
- EMDR Iran




Local Time



Austin (USA – Texas)

Wednesday, 16 April 2025, 10:00:00



Beijing (China – Beijing Municipality)

Wednesday, 16 April 2025, 23:00:00



Berlin (Germany – Berlin)

Wednesday, 16 April 2025, 17:00:00



London (United Kingdom – England)

Wednesday, 16 April 2025, 16:00:00



New York (USA – New York)

Wednesday, 16 April 2025, 11:00:00



Perth (Australia – Western Australia)

Wednesday, 16 April 2025, 23:00:00



Pretoria (South Africa)

Wednesday, 16 April 2025, 17:00:00



Seattle (USA – Washington)

Wednesday, 16 April 2025, 08:00:00



Sydney (Australia – New South Wales)

Thursday, 17 April 2025, 01:00:00



Tokyo (Japan)

Thursday, 17 April 2025, 00:00:00



Cancún (Mexico – Quintana Roo)

Wednesday, 16 April 2025, 10:00:00



Tehran (Iran)

Wednesday, 16 April 2025, 18:30:00







Will the Webinar be recorded?

Yes, the link to re-watch the session will be shared to all people who registered for the meeting. 

How long will the recording be available?

After sharing the link, the recording will be available for at least 30days to re-watch the session. 

When will the room be opened?

The room will be opened 15min prior to the workshop. (4.45pm)


More FAQs

Ticket Name Membership Type Sale Ends Price Quantity
Constituent Society-Members 16 Apr 2025 $20.00
Non-Member 16 Apr 2025 $50.00

16 Apr 2025 (All Day)

Google Calendar
